Budget, bid, cap
When you creating new campaign - you can select from 2 budget types based on:
- total cost of campaign
- total count of offers
- total installs count - than higher you bid, than more users will wants to make your offer
- install count per day - than higher you bid, than more users will wants to make your offer
Why need to pay more than minimal price per offer?
Cap - daily limit
Even on minimal bid - users can will want to make your offer more than you need it. Its usually happens when offer is simple (install + do not delete 3 days)
Other factors effects attract users to make your offer- Bright, unique icon
- Higher position in searching keyword (for campaigns with installs from search results)
- Small apk size
- How many days to not delete app - comfort value is 3 days
- Friendly, useful app or great looking or popular game
- Safe looks app page
- Clean and simple campaigns goals (reach hero level 5, complete 3 easy levels)