Custom goals. Integrating tracking SDK
App2top supports custom goals for campaigns. It's very useful when you want to test your app functionality or test all levels in a game. With App2top tracking SDK you can track user events and reward them for that.
Also, it helps engage deeper new users (even they are money motivated). Often, examples for games: reach hero level 5, complete 3 levels, upgrade barracks to level3
Even simple action from user, like complete first level in game, can increase engagement and greatly increase chance that you can stay with your app longer.
Integrating to Android
- Download and import aar lib - App2top Tracking SDK v1.3.aar
- Import aar library to your project
- Add some lines to your code, where you want to track users action.
- Check example with Main Activity
- Remember event names to set up a campaign
- Example:

Integrating to Unity 3D
- Download and import unitypackage - App2top Tracking SDK v1.2.unitypackage
- Add one line to place in your code, where you want to track users action
If you need any help with integration or find errors, please, let us know.
How to debug?
To be sure in integration check Unity console (for Unity) and logcat by tag APP2TOP in debug build fro android.
Common mistake, start counting from zero
Programmers usually starts counting from zero, level_0, level_1, etc. Please ask your programmer what event name for reaching level 10 (for example), maybe it level_9.
Is app2top tracking sdk compliance with Google Play TOS?
Yes. It's absolutely safe.
App2top sdk only sends request (via https) to our tracking servers - with event name, app id, and user unique id (generated app2top). No any user personal information.
Other integration options
If you use another framework or game engine, please, let us know - we will create SDK for you.