App2top will be shutting down on December 31, 2025.
Please use your remaining balance before this date, as it is non-refundable.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please use your remaining balance before this date, as it is non-refundable.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Payment methods
We accept payments in USD and RUB.
- Webmoney -
- Payeer -
To use any of these methods, send money to our requisites below with payment comment - your email on app2top. After that, please, let us know, to fast proceed payment.- Binance - USDT, BTC, RUB
- Transfer any currency to our wallet by Pay ID 417791125
- Let us know via contacts
- Bitcoin - BTC
- Transfer BTC to our wallet by address bc1qxvnpgl3wlk9ym93hk6qxd5gkp8cfzh64yspk6n
- Let us know via contacts
- Ethereum - ETH
- Transfer ETH to our wallet by address 0xfb29b17f36eD95e95df9c00614F7E4F28c4ac367
- Let us know via contacts
- Litecoin - LTC
- Transfer LTC to our wallet by address ltc1qq4lpa8sggj5sg7nycy04l9f8grfdt7rf394py5
- Let us know via contacts
- Webmoney -
USD: Z301077611232 - Payeer -
By wallet number P12908514 - Advcash -