App2top will be shutting down on December 31, 2025.
Please use your remaining balance before this date, as it is non-refundable.
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Please use your remaining balance before this date, as it is non-refundable.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
What is App2top Video Campaign?
It's video advertising service for publishers. Great tool to get not motivated installs and increase brand awareness.
How it looks like:
- Users tap on app2top button in reward app.
- Watch your video.
- If user likes your video and app, he clicks "Install button" and install your app from google play.
Example: How it looks on the phone.
P.S. Small image size because of video capture app.
How to start?
- Add app to app2top.
- Upload short video (from 5 to 60 seconds) to youtube.
- Create video campaign on app2top.