App2top will be shutting down on December 31, 2025.
Please use your remaining balance before this date, as it is non-refundable.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please use your remaining balance before this date, as it is non-refundable.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Help Articles
App2top Wiki
You will find information about how to promote your app and how app2top works. If you still have questions, fill free to contact us.
- What is app2top? //= Html::a('Why app2top?', ['site/page/why_app2top']); ?> //= Html::a('How google play ranking works', ['site/page/how_google_play_ranking_works']); ?> //= Html::a('FAQ', ['site/page/faq']); ?> //= Html::a('Terms', ['site/page/terms']); ?>
- Creating campaign:
- Create your first campaign
- Create video campaign
- Budget, bid, cap //= Html::a('Types of campaigns', ['site/page/types_of_campaigns']); ?> //= Html::a('Custom goals. Integrating tracking SDK', ['site/page/custom_goals']); ?>
- Targeting
- Source of installs
- Cancel campaign
- Payments
- How app2top works
- Official
Useful analytics services
List of great analytics services, that can help you to better understand how to bring your app to top charts.